
1How and when do I choose my track?
The students choose their track at the end of the second semester of the first year, after taking six Introduction to Track courses that should provide them with a more rounded idea pertaining the curriculum and character of each track.
Each track has a maximum of 30 places. Students indicate their three preferred tracks, ranking them in accordance with their preference. The admission to track courses is based on the grades the students got from the respective Introduction to Track course. If a student does not qualify for their top choice track, they will be assigned to either their second or third track of choice.
2What happens if I do not qualify for my preferred track?
If a student does not qualify for their top choice track, they will be assigned to either their second or third track of choice.
3What happens if I fail a course?
The retake policy depends on the regulations and procedures of the university responsible for the coordination of a given course. More detailed guidelines will follow.
4Can I spend the mobility semester at my Track University?
Yes. However, we encourage students to make as much use of the mobility opportunities as possible to best benefit from the unique structure of the programme.
5At which university can I spend the mobility semester?
In general, you can apply to spend the mobility semester at any of the universities affiliated with the programme, i.e. at a degree-awarding partner university (KU Leuven, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universität Zürich, Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet, or Uniwersytet Jagielloński) or a mobility partner university (the University of Edinburgh or Freie Universität Berlin). Number of places offered by each university may vary.

Admission, tuition fees & scholarships

1Where can I find information about the admission requirements, tuition fees and possible scholarships?
For detailed information pertaining the application and admission procedures, i.e. important dates, required documents, entrance exam, please refer to the Application Procedure section of this website.

For detailed information pertaining tuition fees, please refer to the subsection Costs of the Student Finance section of this website.

For detailed information pertaining scholarships, tuition fee waivers and other possible sources of external funding, please refer to the Student Finance section of this website.
2What scholarships and external fundings are BASUS students eligible for?
In general, BASUS students should be eligible to apply for various scholarship schemes available at the university of their stay. Additional schemes just for the BASUS programme to help cover mobility costs might be set up as well – more information will follow.
3Are the tuition fees I pay for BASUS additional to the fees of the partner universities or is this the total sum?
No, there are no additional tuition fees to be paid to partner universities. The tuition fees paid to the coordinating university of the BASUS programme cover all educational costs of the programme.
4Can I retake the entrance exam?
There is a possibility to resit the exam if documented technical difficulties occur during the first exam and are immediately reported to the organisers. This additional date is available only to those candidates who paid the application fee but were unable to take the exam due to technical issues. There are no other grounds for retaking the exam.


1Is mobility mandatory in the programme or can classes be followed remotely?
Mobility may be mandatory as the programme is designed to be predominantly taught on-campus. However, the extent of the students’ mobility depends on their chosen track, as one of the tracks is coordinated by the Start University and students that choose to take it will stay at the Start University. Moreover, although mobility during the final semester of the programme is highly encouraged for the students to best benefit from the unique structure of the programme, it is not obligatory.
2Is mobility in the programme offered under Erasmus agreements?
Parts of the mobility of the students may be eligible for Erasmus funding; however, we cannot guarantee the availability of such funding to all students. More information and recommendations will follow.


1Do the annual tuition fees include housing?
No, the tuition fees do not include housing costs. The procurement of accommodation is the responsibility of the student. However, each of the partner universities offers affordable accommodation that the students can apply for. For more information, please refer to the individual websites of the partner universities listed below.

2How can I apply for housing at the Start, Track and Mobility universities?
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Want to know more about the programme structure?

Bachelor's thesis

1Can I write my bachelor’s thesis with other people?
In general, a bachelor’s thesis can be written individually or in groups. However, the decision about writing a given thesis individually or in groups is made by the supervisor based on the specific requirements and scope of the proposed thesis topic as well as the governing internal regulation of the relevant partner university. All details pertaining to the writing of a bachelor’s thesis, i.e. how many people should be in one group if the thesis is written jointly, topic, scope, form, length, etc., are determined by or agreed upon with the supervisor.

The list of possible supervisors is made available to students in advance. The number of students a supervisor can take on is limited; moreover, the supervisors choose which students they wish to take on after conducting a preliminary interview.
2Can I have a co-supervisor for my thesis?
If the university of your primary supervisor allows for co-supervision of bachelor's thesis and if your project should benefit from a co-supervisor, you can apply for the assignment of one. The co-supervisor can be from any of the partner universities of the programme, provided that their field of expertise is relevant to the thesis project. Nevertheless, co-supervision is not obligatory.

Student life

1What student facilities and services are available at the partner universities?
BASUS students have access to all student facilities and services provided by the partner university hosting them. For more detailed information as well as links that will direct you to relevant sections of each partner's website, see below.
1Visa & residence permit
3Living costs
4Welcome activities
5University restaurants/canteens
8Learning centres
9Student clubs and associations
10Sports activities
12Language learning
13International student meetings and centres
1Insurance and social security
2Healthcare, well-being & safety
3Working or volunteering
4Diversity and inclusion
5Homepage – international students
6Free Wi-Fi
7Student email
8IT facilities
9Learning platform
10Administrative intranet for students and staff:
11Online library collections
12Academic offer, including BASUS
13Education and exam regulations

Una Europa

1What is Una Europa and what does it have to do with BASUS?
Una Europa is an alliance of eleven European universities that leads initiatives to rethink higher education and research in Europe. BASUS is one of these initiatives and the first ever joint bachelor programme in Sustainability.

For more information about the alliance, visit the Una Europa website.
2Does Una Europa offer other (joint) degree programmes?
BASUS is the second joint bachelor programme offered by Una Europa, the first one being its sister project, Joint Bachelor in European Studies (BAES). For more information about BAES, you can visit the website dedicated to the programme. You can also check out Una Europa’s initiatives webpage to find more information on what Una Europa has to offer.

How to contact us

1Who should I contact regarding issues not included in this FAQ?
If you have more questions regarding BASUS that have not been included in this FAQ, you can contact us at basus-info@uj.edu.pl.
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